Abdel Monem Mahmoud
Blog: http://ana-ikhwan.blogspot.com/Arrested between 15 Apr 2007 and 01 Jun 2007
Campaign Site: http://freemonem.cybversion.org/
The Egyptian blogger and journalist Abdel-Monem Mahmoud was arrested on Sunday 15 April 2007 as he was leaving Egypt. Monem was about to begin a trip abroad to report on the “state of freedom” in several Arab countries for the TV channel El Hiwar, which employs him as their Cairo correspondent. He was arrested when he was already aboard the aircraft. These events took place two days after special forces paid a visit to his family home in an attempt to arrest him.
Absent from his home at the time of the visit, Monem was informed of the intimidation and threats by his parents. A friend reports that Monem expressed concern about his own safety, as well as that of his parents, who were being threatened daily through visits by the security forces. Monem told his friend that he was thinking of turning himself in to the authorities, but, on the advice of his lawyers, decided against this course of action as he did not know the exact nature of the charges being made against him.
Thus far, no official charges have been brought against Momen. (More about Monem's case on his campaign blog)
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