Abdelghaffar Guiza
Arrested between 10 Feb 2003 and 27 Feb 2006
In 2003, eight young men were arrested in the city of Zarzis in the south of Tunisia on charges of terrorism, among them Abdelghaffar Guiza. Authorities accused the men of having formed a terrorist group, holding meetings without a license, theft, and preparation of explosives. The accusations were partly predicated on the fact that documents downloaded from the Internet were confiscated from the young men upon their arrests containing, among other things, instructions on how to manufacture explosives.
On April 16, 2004, the court sentenced six of the youth to 19 years of imprisonment each. A seventh defendant was was accused of being the leader of the group and sentenced to 26 years. The eighth defendant, who was under age, was sentenced to 25 months imprisonment. Following appeals, the sentences were reduced.
On February 27, 2006, six of the youth were released under a presidential pardon, however, they continued to face harassment.
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