Ahmad Zaid-Abadi
Blog: http://www.roozonline.com/Arrested on 15 Jun 2009
Other arrests: In 2000, Zeidabadi was arrested and was sentenced to 13 months in jail. He is mostly known for an open letter he wrote from prison during this time. In the letter, he protested how Iran's judiciary dealt with the journalists in prison. In 2003, Zeidabadi was arrested again. This time, he was sentenced to 23 months in jail. This was reduced to 13 months on appeal.
According to the CPJ, Zaid-Abadi, a well-known journalist who writes a weekly column for Rooz Online, a Farsi and English reformist news Web site, was arrested in mid-June in Tehran. Zaid-Abadi is also the director of the Organization of University Alumni of the Islamic Republic of Iran and a supporter of the defeated candidate Mehdi Karroubi.
He is kept in a very bad situation even compared to other political prisoners based on many reports. In prison, he went on a hunger strike that was broken by force by security forces.
In December 2009, and according to the Committee of Human Rights Reporters, Ahmad has been condemned to 6 years imprisonment, 5 years exile and lifetime prohibition from social and political activities.
On Dec. 17, 2009, Zeidabadi won World Association of Newspapers' Golden Pen of Freedom Award for 2010.
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