Ahmed Rajib Haider

Ahmed Rajib Haider

Blog: https://www.facebook.com/thaba.baba
Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
0° 0' 0" N, 0° 0' 0" E
Status: Deceased
Deceased on 15 Feb 2013

Ahmed Rajib Haider was murdered in Dhaka, on 15 February 2013. According to Reporters Without Borders:

"Police found Haider's body near his home in Palashnagar, a residential district of Dhaka, on the evening of 15 February. Ibad Ali, a policeman at the scene, said his body bore the marks of machete wounds.

A 30-year-old architect and member of the Shahbagh activist network, Haider was well known for criticizing Islamic fundamentalism under the blog name of Thaba Baba on Somewhereinblog.net.

He had been covering the street demonstrations taking held since 5 February to demand trials and the severest penalties for Islamist leaders guilty of war crimes during Bangladesh's 1971 war of independence against Pakistan.

Shortly before the news of Haider's death, the demonstrators had decided to limit their presence on the streets to seven hours a day. After his death was reported, they rescinded this decision and announced their intention to stay on the streets permanently."

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