Aleksey Dymovskiy
Blog: between 22 Jan 2010 and 07 Mar 2010
On November 6, Aleksey Dymovsk, a police officer at the Department of Internal Affairs in Novorossiysk used his personal Web site to address Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and talk about numerous problems police officers face in Russia.
In his video address available on and YouTube (part I and part II [RUS]), Aleksey Dymovskiy is calm and meticulous. He talks about diminishing police honor, bribes, corruption and low pay that poison lives of many police officers in Russia.
Aleksey has been arrested on Jan. 23 on fraud charges. Dymovsky became a Russian Internet sensation when he released an online video address publicly accusing several high-ranked Russian police officers in corruption.
According to Aleksey had been released from prison on March 7th, 2010.
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