Alireza Firoozi
Blog: http://alirezafiroozi.blogspot.com/Arrested on 02 Jan 2010
Other arrests: Alireza Firoozi was arrested three times in 2009 in relation to public protest and expressing his views on various websites.
Blogger, student activist, journalist, and photographer Alireza Firoozi was arrested on January 2, 2010, in the north-western city of Orumieh along with fellow Zanjan University student Sourena Hashemi (released on April 4, 2010). Alireza was taken to Tehran where he was held incommunicado for over 70 days with judiciary officials refusing to inform his family about his whereabouts.
According to recent reports and interviews with Alireza Firoozi's mother, there still have been no specific charges brought against him. Based on reports processed by security agencies, it seems Firouzi’s continuing arrest is linked to his work in human rights activism.
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