Allam Fakhour
Blog: http://syriandomari.blogspot.com/Arrested on 23 Feb 2006
Campaign Site: http://action.humanrightsfirst.org/human_rights_first/alert-description.html?alert_id=5297892
Between January 26, 2006 and March 18, 2006, seven young activists, Husam Melhem (22), Tareq al-Ghourani (25), Ayham Saqr (31), Allam Fakhour (29), Maher Ibrahim Esber (26), Omar al-Abdullah (21) and Diab Siriyeh (21) have been arrested by the Syrian authorities for being part of an independent pro-democracy discussion group and publishing articles on the Internet criticizing the lack of democracy and freedom in Syria. Some of them were also involved in the creation of an online youth forum.
Since their arrests, the seven young activists have been held in incommunicado detention and have been subject to torture and harsh treatment.
On November 26, 2006, the young activists were brought before the Supreme State Security Court (SSSC) to face charges of "carrying out activities or making written statements or speeches unauthorized by the government that expose Syria to the risk of hostile operations" and "broadcasting false or exaggerated news that could undermine the prestige of the State."
On June 17th, 2007, and after an unfair trial in Damascus before the Supreme State Security Court (SSSC), Allam Fakhour has been sentenced to 5 years prison terms for “taking action or making a written statement or speech which could endanger the State or harm its relationship with a foreign country, or expose it to the risk of hostile action” (Article 278 of the Syrian Penal Code, which carries a maximum sentence of 15 years’ imprisonment); and “broadcasting of false news” deemed to be harmful to the state (Article 287, which carries a maximum sentence of three years’ imprisonment).
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