Dania Virgen García
Blog: http://daniavirgengarcia.blogspot.com/Arrested between 27 Mar 2012 and 29 Mar 2012
The Index On Censorship reports that the independent journalist and blogger, Dania Virgen García, has been sentenced to 20 months in prison on charges that had not yet been made known. Dania Virgen García was sentenced just one day after her arrest by police on 22 April, 2010. Virgen García’s blog El blog de Dania, launched in January, reports on the violence and repression independent reporters face on the island. She is also a well known supporter of the “Damas de blanco” movement (Ladies in White).
On March 27, 2012, Dania Virgen García was again arrested ahead of a papal mass celebrated by Pope Benedict XI in Jose Marti Square, Havana. She was held for 33 hours and later released without charge
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