Elliott Madison
Blog: http://twitter.com/ProtestWatchOn September 24th, 2009, the New York-based Elliott Madison, 41, has been arrested by the FBI and charged with hindering prosecution for using the micro-blogging website Twitter to help protesters at the G20 summit in Pittsburgh evade the police. According to the Guardian Elliot Madison "had his home raided and was put on $30,000 (£19,000) bail". "Though the FBI says so, it's not entirely clear from the complaint that Madison's tweets were actually illegal," noted Ars Technica.
Elliott Madison was released on bail shortly after his arrest, but "may be among the first to be charged criminally while sending information electronically to protesters about the police".
The EFF has published Mr. Madison's motion and his lawyer's supporting declaration with copies of the search warrant, an inventory of the seized items, and the original criminal complaint.
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