Hani Nazeer

Hani Nazeer

Blog: http://haninazeeraziz.blogspot.com/
Location: Qena, Egypt
26° 9' 55.0764" N, 32° 43' 22.0008" E
Status: Released
Arrested between 03 Oct 2008 and 22 Jul 2010

According to The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information, Hani Nazeer, the author of Karaz Elhob blog (Love Cherries), has been arrested since October 3rd, 2008, with the collaboration of the Church in in Qena Governorate (Upper Egypt). The controversy began on October 1st 2008, when some young Muslims were browsing Hani's blog and found a link to another site containing an electronic novel called "Azazil's Goat in Mecca" which included an attack on Islam. This work was written by an anonymous author under the name of "Father Utah." The novel came in response to Yusuf Zidane's famous novel "Azazil," which was considered by some conservatives as offensive to Christianity.

"When a police force from state security came to Nazeer's house to arrest him on 1 October, he was not home. They took his two brothers as hostages until he turned himself in. Two days later, another security force went to his house and arrested Nazeer's sisters as a further measure. Nazeer went in person to state security on 3 October, and was detained in Burj Al-Arab prison, where he remains." (IFEX))

Nazeer is being detained in Borg El-Arab prison in Alexandria, which used to be the place of keeping Egyptian bloggers.  On November 9, 2009, he threatened to go on hunger strike.

Nazeer was released on 22 July, 2010, because of recent reforms to Egypt’s Emergency Law.

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