Juan Carlos Gonzalez Marco
Blog: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLLAh2yTqu0Arrested between 04 Aug 2009 and 17 Sep 2009
Campaign Site: http://www.jamaylibertad.com/2009/08/lleva-carta.html
On August 4, 2009, Juan Carlos Gonzalez Marco, known as "Panfilo, was detained by police for denouncing food shortages in a widely viewed YouTube video. Panfilo wastried a week later in a Havana court and sentenced to jail for two years for "dangerousness", a crime listed in Cuba's penal code. An appeals court upheld the sentence in a September 10 hearing. On September 17th, 2009, Panfilo was freed and sent instead to a psychiatric hospital for three weeks.
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