Luis Felipe Rojas
Blog: http://cruzarlasalambradaseng.wordpress.comThreatened on 23 Aug 2010
Other arrests: Luis was arrested before on August 16, 2010, and spent thirteen hours at the police station in San German.
Luiz, a Cuban blogger reported the following after his arrest by the police for posting Human Rights reports on his personal blog: "On Monday the 23rd, I hadn’t even gotten up from bed when I once again heard some loud banging on my door. I had to live through the same police story, only with the difference that now they told me about reports denouncing human rights violations, about my blog, and about the independent journalism which I do. They reminded me that to write, like I do, many others spent much time in prison since 2003. They told me about the Gag Law which mentions something about 25 years behind bars."
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