Mohammad Pour Abdoullah
Blog: on 12 Jan 2009
Other arrests: Abdoullah was arrested for the first time on 24 January 2008 and was freed 41 days later on payment of 800 million toman (720,000 euros) in bail.
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RSF reports that Mohammad Pour Abdoullah, the editor of the blog Pishro (Avant-Garde), has been arrested on 12 January 2009 for writing about a crackdown on the student movement, prison conditions and the interrogation methods used by intelligence ministry agents.
He was kept in solitary confinement and subjected to constant pressure for 23 days after his arrest. As he refused to admit to the charges brought against him, he is still awaiting trial. An initial hearing was to have been held on 21 February, but the judge adjourned it indefinitely, without explanation. Thereafter, Abdoullah was moved to an individual cell and then to Ghezel Hessar, a prison for non-political detainees.
Mohammad Pour Abdullah was sentenced on 14 December 2009 to six years in prison on charges of anti-government publicity and activities against national security.
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