Park Jeonggeun

Park Jeonggeun

Location: Seoul, South Korea
37° 33' 59.526" N, 126° 58' 40.6884" E
Status: Under Arrest
Arrested on 11 Jan 2012

According to Amnesty International, Park Jeonggeun ( @seouldecadence on twitter), a South Korean activist, is accused of helping the “enemy” by re-tweeting a message from North Korea’s official Twitter account that said Long "live Kim Jong-il". He has been held at Seoul Detention Centre since 11 January.

Mr Park is a member of the South Korean Socialist Party, which openly and frequently criticises the North Korean regime.

"My intention was to lampoon North Korea's leaders for a joke," he told Amnesty. "I did it for fun."

He stands accused of breaking the controversial National Security Law (NSL) which bans "acts that benefit the enemy".

“This is not a national security case, it’s a sad case of the South Korean authorities’ complete failure to understand sarcasm,” Sam Zarifi, Amnesty International’s Asia-Pacific director, said in a statement.

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