Savva Terentyev
Blog: on 13 Aug 2007
On February 15, 2007, 21-year-old Russian musician and blogger Savva Terentyev located in the northern Russian city of Syktyvkar (Republic of Komi) posted a comment on the blog of a local journalist named Boris Suranov (LiveJournal » Suranov). Suranov’s post dealt with a raid by local police officers on a local opposition newspaper called Iskra (“the spark”), a raid which Suranov believed was politically motivated and illegal.
In his comment, Terentyev defames policemen as stupid and ignorant, then calls for a frequent public burning of policemen in his hometown (Pajamas Media » Russia’s Crackdown on Bloggers). The comment was not deleted by the blog owner, but got sarcastically commented by Suranov.
Half a year later, on August 13, 2007, the procuracy of Syktyvkar filed charges against Terentyev under the article “Arousing hatred or enmity” (Robert Amsterdam » Russian Blogger Faces Jail (Kommersant Translation)). Terentyev was taken into custody on that day and was later ordered not to leave the city (redOrbit » Russian TV looks at case of blogger charged with inciting hatred). Subsequently, the comment causing the uproar got deleted the same day.
On March 12, 2008 it was reported that the authorities had concluded their investigations and formally filed serious criminal charges against Terentyev, handing the criminal case over to the court (Kommersant Moscow » Blog case goes to court). Terentyev is officially charged with “inciting enmity or hostility” through the comment he left on Boris Suranov’s blog (Pajamas Media » Russia’s Crackdown on Bloggers).
Terentyev’s is the first case that criminal charges are held against a Russian blogger. He could be facing a two-year prison sentence or a fine of 100.000 (Global Voices Advocacy » Russian LiveJournal blogger could face three year sentence) to 300.000 ruble (Pajamas Media » Russia’s Crackdown on Bloggers).
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